
If I had a dollar for everytime my wife told me I wasn't listening... I don't really know where all this money came from

Dance like the picture's not being tagged. Love like you've never been unfriended. Tweet like no one's following.

If at first you don't succeed, try drinking beer while you do it. You'll be amazed at how much less you care.

Twitter is a only place, where you don't feel awkward if someone follows you.

Googol=10^100 so GooGle is 
Goooooooooo,oooooooooo,oooooooooo,oooooooooo,oooooooooo, o

Guy: She likes me. Friend: Dude, she liked your Facebook status.

I think if I was blind I would enjoy Walmart

Now I see why they call it Facebook. Tag a face and people will make a book of comments about it.

Broadband is like Narrowband to me :(

When I see someone has 1,500 followers on twitter, I think "that person must b funny". 1,500 friends on FB "that person is batshit crazy".

"When is the best time to tell someone you love them?" Before someone else does.

People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.

I don't have any followers on Twitter. They all are my friends. I can't live without them. Cause they can't let me.

Small things hurt you a lot. If you haven't experienced that yet. Try sitting on a pin.

Goodnight Twitter. Watch out for the hackers,They attack at night.

Homework should be outlawed on the weekends

Cheat me once, shame on you. Cheat me twice, shame on me.

I remember him not as the 1 who broke my Heart. But, as the 1 who taught me how to live with a broken heart.

Because of twitter i've started to think in 140 characters or less